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Leyla Omar

Applying PMI strategies to enhance your change management

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

In today’s dynamic business environment, embracing change is a necessity. While market forces continue to shift, companies must evolve to competently navigate complex transitions, both internally and externally. Here at Scion, the methodologies we apply to post-merger integration programmes can deftly transfer into the wider realm of change management. Within this blog post, we will explore a few of these strategies and how these principles can apply to any form of business transformation project.

Comprehensive communication is a key cornerstone of any transition management. Without communicating your vision and objectives clearly, your stakeholders — whether that be staff, clients or investors — will be left confused and displeased. As soon as you have established the rationale for your change management programme, schedule a session with those who will be impacted (this could be a small group, or a company-wide announcement) and use this time to clearly explain the plans, expected outcomes and benefits in an open and transparent manner. In our experience, this is best received as an open forum session: giving individuals the opportunity to ask questions will make them feel more engaged, informed and aligned with your goals. The more skilled your communication is, the more likely you will mitigate staff resistance and foster a positive reception to change. So, get working on your communication plan!

When delivering a PMI programme, robust project management is absolutely essential, particularly given the number of moving parts and wide-range of stakeholders involved. In M&A projects, this usually comes in the form of a detailed Gantt chart plan, which clearly lays out distinct workstreams, their sub-projects and tasks, as well as owners, deadlines and milestones. This same structure can be directly lifted and applied to other transformational projects, but it depends on their nature. We’ve typically seen that technical projects are best managed via Agile scrum methodologies — leaning on sprints, stand-ups, and retrospectives — whereas smaller-scale simpler transitions can be managed in a basic third-party project-management tool. In one of our past projects, a low-impact behind-the-scenes HR transition plan was even conducted entirely from Trello! Regardless of your platform choice, your transformation project needs to be managed using a structured framework to enhance execution, ensuring a timely delivery and effective use of resources. A structured approach to any change-management process, with clear milestones and accountability, contributes to its overall success.

The final element of PMI planning that can be leveraged for other change-management programmes is continuous evaluation. In an acquisition context, we develop a metrics-tracking system for recording both cost- and revenue-synergies, which gives an overall sense of how much commercial value the PMI programme has generated (whether that’s via increased sales due to new revenue streams, or cost-savings thanks to reduction in IT platforms or staff redundancy). In a change-management context, the data points you collect might be completely different — it could be the uplift in employee satisfaction, minutes of tech time saved, or adoption rate of a new tool — but it is vital that you measure some metrics to monitor how successful your programme has been. This evaluation and data-reporting process will enable your organization to identify areas for improvement and, if needed, make iterative adjustments.

In conclusion, the methodologies we apply to post-merger integration are also applicable for a wide range of change management transitions: it’s all about detailed organization, stakeholder engagement and successful delivery. By adopting these strategies, you can enhance your transition planning and boost your chances of success in this ever-evolving competitive landscape, where agility and adaptability are the new business superpowers. Got any other change-management pearls of wisdom to share? Have you embraced PMI lessons to help your staff adapt to a different type of transformation? Let us know in the comments below.

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